Lecture 2012
Status Completed
Client Mina23
Artist Dr. Joseph Hourany
As mentioned in “The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture”, many decalogues trace the main headlines that intricacy thematic in design and architecture could mean. We can note: Action [uninhibited] rather than caution [shy], Idea [projective] rather than analysis [erudite], Strategy [operative] rather than planning [conservation], Map [prospective] rather than representation [literal], System [open] rather than composition [closed], Process [evolutionary] rather than figuration [regulatory], Superposition [multilayered] rather than aggregation [linear], Diversity [mongrel] rather than homogeneity [harmonious], Flexibility [structural] rather than permanence [monumental], [construction of] landscape rather than [construction of] geometries. The actual cybernetic design realm can happen only when the judgment point of view change from the final product to the process of creation itself. It is the passage from the problem solving to the innovative cybernetic design. Problem solving simply accepts the parameters of the problem given, in the case of architecture teaching, by the workshop tutor. Design is meant to work within those parameters by experimentation until a solution to the problem is worked out, a final design. While problem solving works within a given paradigm to create solutions to know problems, innovation risks working with existent but unknown conditions in order to discover opportunities that could not have been predicted in advance. Such an INTRICATE thinking can induce a practice that view design as dynamical and nonlinear, and not as a tutorial with a beginning, middle and end.